Camping isn’t for everyone, or at least not everyone thinks it’s fun. I happen to be one of those people that does enjoy camping and I think that it is a lot of fun.
Is Camping Fun? Camping is a really fun activity because it allows you the opportunity to do many other things that you may enjoy.
If you want to know if camping is fun then check out these 46 ways you can make camping even more fun!
By the way, If you are in the market for a new tent, then you should click here to see the one I recommend on Amazon.
Travel to new places for a very low cost
Camping can be even more fun if you are willing to go a little further. Camping can allow you to travel and experience new places at a really low cost. Camping is one of the best ways to take a vacation. If you need some reasons to go camping on your next vacation then check out this article that I wrote.
Try minimalist camping
Minimalist camping means you bring a lot less stuff than you normally would. It is a unique way of going camping because it really helps you put into perspective how great and easy our modern lives are. If you are up for a challenge then give minimalist camping a try, it could make camping even more fun. If you need some ideas on what camping stuff to leave at home then read this article I wrote about minimalist camping.
Try dispersed camping for free
Did you know that there are tons of opportunities for free camping available to all of us? Well, you do now. It’s called dispersed camping and it is a term that refers to free primitive camping on public lands. It is mostly used to describe the camping policies in National Forests in the United States. However, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) also offers dispersed camping in much of its land, and even some National Parks offer limited dispersed camping.
If you are curious about dispersed camping rules on any of the National Forests within the United States, then check out this full guide I created.
Go hiking
Hiking is a huge part of camping culture. It allows you to get up close and personal with the natural surroundings. Many campgrounds are built near-endless miles of hiking trails. As an added bonus, it’s the perfect way to get some heart-healthy exercise.
Experience glamping
Glamping is a sub-culture of camping that has developed in recent times. It is a fancy way of camping that can be done in a wide variety of ways. Anything that takes camping and makes it more luxurious is glamping. The popularity of it has exploded with companies like Airbnb (My invite link to sign up for Airbnb). If you have never tried glamping, then it could be a way to make camping more fun for you.
When you go camping, you can find many opportunities for meditation. Whether you are an expert “meditator” or you just want to give it a try, camping takes you to the places where you can find peace, relaxation, and serenity. If you don’t know what meditation is, it is simply just doing nothing for a certain amount of time, yet trying to focus your mind on one simple thing instead of letting it run wild.
Board games
Call me old fashioned, but I love board games. Board games make camping fun because it created bonds with the people that are playing, and you get to play in a beautiful outdoor environment. If you need some ideas for some good board games to bring camping with you then click here to see a post I wrote about the best games to play while camping.
Learn to cook something new
Cooking is a camping favorite of mine and many others. If you are making food over a campfire then it can be a great time to try cooking new things, most likely they all will come out very delicious.
Do something romantic
If you are camping as a couple then try making your camping experience more fun by sparking up some romance. There are numerous ways that you can make camping more romantic for you and your partner. If you are in need of some ideas then you can read this post that I wrote with 18 ideas on increasing romance while camping.
Card Games
Card games are a classic game style that has been around for centuries with no end in sight. A standard 52 deck of cards can turn into dozens of different games. Playing some classic card games with friends and family can be a great way to make camping more fun.
Backyard Games
Backyard games are simply games designed to be played outside, and what better place outside to play than a campground. Some of my favorites include cornhole, ring toss, and horseshoes, but there are tons of great outdoor games that can make camping more fun.
Download movies
Just because you are camping does not mean you have to forgo all electronics. Netflix has a download option you can use on your phone, tablet, or laptop. Watching movies (or shows) could be a great way to end your day while camping.
Talk to a stranger
Camping can open up an opportunity for meeting new people, especially if you are camping in a campground. Just talk to one of your neighbors and who knows, you might end up sharing stories and talking around a campfire all night long.
Plan to stay in one spot longer
Camping can be fun when you have more time to just relax and enjoy it. If you can somehow manage to go camping for more than one or two nights then I think that it can increase your satisfaction with the trip.
Bring a hammock
Hammocks are one of the best things ever to be invented. So simple, and yet so comfortable. They are heavily associated with camping and for good reason, if you need a new hammock then check out this page that has the hammock I personally use for camping and regularly enjoy.
Read a book
Camping is the perfect time to catch up on some reading. Or if you need a new hobby to immerse yourself in then give reading a try. Reading doubles very well with a hammock. Books can be digital or paperback and you can visit your local library and rent them for free.
Bring your dog (or cat?)
One of my favorite aspects of camping is that you can enjoy it with practically anyone, including your pets. You will have more fun and they will have more fun since they aren’t stuck at home.
Stay up late and enjoy the stars
In a lot of camping areas, you can find beautiful night skies. If you live in a city then it might be something you don’t get to see so often. Take advantage of the starry skies and stay up late enough to witness its beauty.
Bring more friends and family
Have you ever heard “the more the merrier”? This fits in very well with camping. Most campsites allow up to 8 people, but rarely do you see this many at a campsite. It can be hard to get everyone to go camping at once, but if you can then it will make the camping trip really fun.
Leave the electronics at home
If you don’t bring electronics camping with you then you will have to get more creative if you want to keep your mind occupied. Or you might finally have some real rest and relaxation. Forgetting electronics at home can help a lot with the anxiety in our hectic lives.
Create your own lantern
Making your own lantern is simple, easy, and fun. All you need is a water jug and a headlamp. Simply attach the headlamp onto the water jug with the light facing against it and you will have your own glowing DIY lantern.
Bring some arts and crafts
Working on your creative side while camping can be a great way to keep your mind occupied and help you enjoy camping more.
Go swimming
If you are camping near somewhere with water then take a swim if the weather is right Swimming in lakes, rivers, ponds, or even swimming pools are great summer camping activities that are really fun
Relax in a natural hot springs
If you are lucky enough to be camping near natural hot springs then take advantage of it. Soaking in warm water coming out of the ground is a lot of fun!
Bring some alcohol
If drinking is your thing then combining it with camping can be a fun thing to do with your friends and family. Just remember to camp responsibly.
Play some music
Yes, you can play music in most campgrounds, but you just need to follow some basic good etiquette guidelines. If you are curious about the rules and etiquette of playing music at campgrounds then click here to read my full article on it.
Find some real alone time
It’s very rare in our world today to find some real alone time. Everywhere we go we are not too far from someone else, or the internet. Camping is an opportunity to wander away and get some real alone time that most of us desperately need every once and a while.
Just explore around you
Release your inner curiosities and explore your campground, or just outside of your campground, or even further than that. Just get out there and have fun, you seriously never know what you are going to find, witness, or experience.
Bring an instrument
If you play an instrument or are interested in learning to play then try doing so while you are camping. Just don’t be too loud if there are others nearby. It’s hard not to imagine someone playing the guitar sitting around a campfire singing with friends.
Learn something new
This is a very broad idea, but it is also very powerful. Camping gives you more time to experiment and learn. Some simple ideas you could try to learn while camping is survival skills, whittling, playing an instrument, cooking, a foreign language, etc. Whatever it may be, learning something new is almost certainly never a bad thing to do.
Share stories
Whether you are with your family, friends, your partner, or some complete strangers, there are always great stories that can be told and heard. It’s a great way to get to know someone or something about someone you never knew before.
Watch a sunset or sunrise
How often do you get the opportunity to enjoy a nice sunrise or sunset? If you are anything like me then your answer may be “not often”. Well, guess what? Camping presents this opportunity to us, and I suggest that you take it.
Take tons of pictures
Even if you don’t feel like taking lots of pictures, just do it. You will not regret it later on down the line when you are looking back at old memories. Include lots of pictures of you and the people you are camping with, as well as the natural landscapes.
Sleep in for once
If you live a busy life then you might be missing out on sleep. That sleep debt piles up and up and up. When you are camping you can improve your mood and how you feel drastically just by sleeping in and getting some extra hours of much-needed sleep.
Make S’mores
What a fantastic invention this is. An easy way to improve your camping experience is to bite into a freshly made s’ more. Some people refuse to go camping without them, and for good reason.
Try rock climbing, bouldering, or scrambling
All of these are fun activities to try or get into if you are camping somewhere with the opportunity to do so. For the most part, they require a lot of strength and coordination. Scrambling is the broadest term which could simply mean just climbing on rocks, which is what I love to do.
Bring your bikes
Bring some of your bicycles from home and ride them around your campground and other areas where it is possible to do so. Bikes are a great way to see some areas since they are much faster than walking, and yet still slow enough to enjoy everything around you.
Animal watching
Whether you are going to use binoculars or just your eyes alone, it can be a lot of fun to look for the many animals that live in the area you are camping in.
Plant identifying
Just like animal watching, but with plants. If you are into plans then finding and identifying different species of plants can be lots of fun.
Play some sports
Some sports can be played pretty much anywhere, including where you are camping. Bring some sports equipment from home and have fun with friends and family.
Go Fishing
Fishing is one of my favorite camping activities. You can catch and release or just try and catch some dinner. Either way, there are ample amounts of different fish and fishing opportunities to take advantage of in most areas where you go camping.
Enhance your landscape painting/drawing skills
Being outdoors in a beautiful location can spark some creativity. Use that creativity to make wonderful art. Landscape painting or drawing can be a fun activity to pursue while you are camping.
Give backpacking a chance
There are many ways that you can go camping. One of the most minimalist and wild ways is to go backpacking. If you have ever been curious about backpacking then I’d say just give it a try. It really is very different from traditional camping. It could be a lot of fun for you, especially if you can find someone experienced to take you, or at least someone else willing to give it a try.
Boating / Kayaking / Tubing
If you are camping near some water then take advantage of it and get out on the water in some way. No matter what equipment you have, there is always some fun to be had on the water.
Snorkeling / Scuba Diving
Depending on where you are camping, there could be some great snorkeling or diving opportunities. Don’t think that it is just limited to the ocean either, rivers and lakes can be beautiful places to do this.
People watching
People-watching can be a fun activity. Whether you are in a city, at the beach, or in a campground. It’s interesting to see how people act and behave. Don’t get too creepy though.
My Favorite Camping Gear
- Air Mattress: click here
to check out my favorite on Amazon.
- Tent: click here
to see my favorite tent available on Amazon.
- Sleeping Pad: click here
to check out the one I love on Amazon.
- Sleeping Bag: click here
to see the one I recommend on Amazon.
- Camping Stove: click here
to see the best camping stove on Amazon.