Here you will find some of the gear that I personally use when I go camping and that I actually like!

Click here to go straight to Amazon to see my favorite tent recommendation!
Tents are an essential gear item for camping. Tents protect us from the elements (and bugs). You need to have a good quality tent if you want camping to be enjoyable. The good news is that you don’t need the most expensive tent if you are a recreational camper. Click the image or header to see what tent I use and which tents are on my wishlist.
Sleeping Pad

Click here to go straight to Amazon to see my sleeping pad recommendation!
You need to sleep on something. Sleeping pads provide the best insulation and are easy to transport and maintain. They are also very durable. I personally prefer an air mattress for luxury, but use sleeping pads most of the time. Click on the image or header to see what camping beds I use and which ones are on my wishlist.
Sleeping Bag

Click here to go straight to Amazon to see my sleeping bag recommendation!
Sleeping bags will keep you from freezing to death. They are also very comfy like a cocoon. I have a summer sleeping bag that I primarily use because I live in a warm climate. I think the most versatile sleeping bags are 3 season bags. Click the image or header to see what sleeping bags I use and which ones are on my wishlist.
Air Mattresses

Click here to go straight to Amazon to see my air mattress recommendation!
Sometimes when I want a little more comfort I will use my air mattress for camping. If you are car camping and have the room for an air mattress then bring it! You can make your air mattress feel just like at home with some sheets, blankets, and real pillows. If you prefer “glamping” then an air mattress might be right for you!
Hiking Gear

Click here to go straight to Amazon to see my hiking shoes recommendation!
Hiking goes side by side with a good camping trip. If you are going to be doing any kind of strenuous hiking then you are going to need some good gear. Luckily, you don’t need much for hiking, but there are some essentials. Here I have some of the hiking gear that I personally use and recommend. Click the header or the image to check out the hiking gear I use.
Cooking Gear

Click here to go straight to Amazon to see my camping stove recommendation!
One of my favorite pastimes while camping is eating. To do it properly you need the right gear. Something about camping just makes food taste so much better. I like to use propane stoves, but I also utilize the campfire to cook some food too. Click the image or header to see what cooking gear I use and what is on my wishlist.
Camping Accessories

Click here to go straight to Amazon to see my hammock recommendation!
Camping has many accessories that you can get. Get too many and you might end up “glamping” and not even know it. I have my fair share of essential camping accessories that I make sure to bring with me on every camping trip. Click the image or the header to see the camping accessories that I use.